The best leaders in the world lead themselves to higher levels by calibrating support and challenge to themselves and their teams. We call them 100X Leaders. Leaders who are moving towards 100% health and who have learned how to multiply what they know to those they lead.
To explain this, we use the metaphor of a Sherpa on Mt. Everest. The Sherpa people have a genetic predisposition to higher altitudes which means they can climb higher and longer than normal climbers. They actually have the ability to lead themselves and others up the mountain.
This is what defines a leader — doing their work while helping others do theirs for the benefit of all.
Watch for the next launch date
Limited Spots Available
What You'll Receive
This intentional process is designed to help you begin your journey to be the best leader you can be in each of your circles of influence. Here’s how.

Access to weekly 30 minute video training focused on learning & practical tools
A weekly 100 Exercise focused on helping you improve your own personal leadership
A weekly X Challenge focused on helping you take what you have learned and impact others immediately
Bi-monthly one-hour core group sessions aimed at deepening understanding & application while providing accountability on the journey
Access to the GiANT platform, including additional training sessions with industry experts, and membership in an Altitude Training Group with leaders from many different sectors and regions.
Altitude Training is a weekly learning system mixed with practical tools to help you achieve higher levels of performance, self-awareness, and practical solutions to the real-world issues you face.
The Benefits

Actively invest in your own growth to become the best leader you can be
Systematic, proven process for developing toward optimal health & high-performance
Real-world & immediate application of what you are learning each week
Regular connection & support from a group of leaders walking through the process with you
Cost — $300/month
$240/month for Non-Profits
Watch for the next Launch Date
Limited spots available
Bi-monthly processing and group coaching
Registration deadline Jan. 3, 2024
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month
Meet from 12 pm - 1 pm
One year process of systematic development reinforced proven in 1000's of leaders across the globe
I want to join this
leadership cohort.
Sign me up!
Payment Information
Payment will be set up as an automatic payment so that you don't have to worry about it each month.
You will need to make two separate purchases for the program:
1) Pro subscription to GiANT - $10/month
This subscription includes:
The Altitude Training Course a $250 dollar value
Three powerful assessments
Hundreds of hours of online self-directed
courses for leadership and life
2) Altitude Group Coaching (found under the coaching tab) - $290/month
Non-profits are eligible for a 20% discount off coaching fees. Be sure you choose the Non-Profit Group Coaching option.